Due to events in the past several years, funds for these camps has all but vanished. Because of this, we are requiring participants to make a minimum donation of $250 for the first participant, and $100 for each additional participant.
It is a very large undertaking to raise the money needed for these programs, so we expect participants to help us with that. Donate for every participant you are registering, It is tax deductible and very much appreciated.
Incomplete registrations will
We do allow siblings to surf, so please register them if they are planning to participate. Children who have not registered will not be allowed to surf. Please provide all information so that we can serve your child in a safe and fun way. Thank you!
I Have Completed Step 1
Due to the popularity of this event, a registration fee of $75 is required to reserve your spot. We do have limited scholarships available. If you are interested please let us know by emailing us at ijscharities@gmail.com and we will describe the scholarship process.
Donate for every participant you are registering, It is tax deductible and very much appreciated.
Siblings of participants may be able to surf during the event, only if time/conditions and available instructors allow.
Incomplete registrations will
Please provide all information so that we can serve your child in a safe and fun way. Thank you!
I Have Completed Step 1